Challenger Sports’ Redesigned Website Drives Record-Breaking Traffic, Registrations, and Revenue!
March 2, 2023 | Kristina Brady
What is the first thing to make an impression on users when they visit a website? If you guessed the design, you would be right! Nearly 94% of first impressions are related to a website’s design and almost 48% of website visitors attribute website design to a business’s credibility.
Challenger Sports is an organization that is passionate about delivering high-quality soccer camps and learning experiences for youth soccer players and their families of all ages and ability levels. Although they had this vision for their business, their website was not designed in a way that made it easy for users to find and register for camps. They were experiencing an 80% drop in camp registrations due to poor user experience, inability to search and find a camp easily, and was not optimized for mobile devices.
IOI worked closely with the Challenger Sports team to develop goals and a pathway to achieve them. Their first goal was to increase annual camp revenue to $7.9M with 45,000 registrants, which would be a 20% increase in growth year over year. They also wanted to reduce the high drop-off rate on the website.
To achieve these goals, we knew a new website and camp search experience would be crucial. IOI built a custom camp finder making it easier for users to search and register for upcoming camps. We also developed cohesive branding and messaging through the website as well as more calls to action that encourage users to contact Challenger Sports through the integration of HubSpot forms.
Aside from website updates, IOI developed a full marketing strategy with the goal of pushing soccer camp registrations. This included a $5,000 budget allocation to Google and Meta ads directing to the camp finder. This campaign also included four email blasts and four social media posts promoting the new website and camp finder, along with long-form content that lives on the site. We doubled down on all these efforts by adding a registration camp banner to all email blasts and Regional Director’s email signatures.
The Challenger Sports website and camp finder redesign launched at the end of January 2023 and recorded a 22% increase in camp registrations year-over-year in the first 45 days. It also created and collected 878 new contacts in HubSpot. From IOI’s marketing efforts alone, this strategy led to 1,258 camp registrations and $274,215 in revenue.
With the partnership between IOI Ventures and Challenger Sports, all initial goals for this campaign were met and exceeded. The updates to their website and camp finder pages have made the customer experience smoother and have led to more leads and registrations.
Are you looking to optimize your website and collect more leads? Get in touch with our IOI team now and take your website from good to GREAT!