
Adam Kaylor

Account Manager
Adam got his start in Marketing & Communications at Lock Haven University where he graduate with his master’s degree in Sport Science. He brought a wide array of skills to IOI when he joined the team in 2023. Adam is a sucker for sporting events of any kind, and his passion for athletics translates into his work. Always down for a good time, Adam rolls with the punches and is fluent in sarcasm.


Most likely to be in too many fantasy football leagues


Burn the Ships!


The team Adam puts up with.


Articles by Adam

IOI Insider

Did your couch just become your office? Here’s a few tips for making the switch to remote

Recently, I made the decision to transition from an in-person office job to a fully-remote position. It was going to be my first time working a job that didn’t require me to be in a stuffy office every day, but I had no idea how the process actually worked. Commuting to my living room was definitely a culture shock in the first few weeks, but a handful of simple changes to my routine made the transition a lot smoother than expected.

If you’re currently hoping to leave behind your archaic corporate office but can’t see yourself working from home, here’s a few tips I learned that will help you ditch the cubicle.

One of the first things that struck me was the need to be self-motivated. However, having completed my master’s degree in a 100 percent online situation in college and being solely responsible for my department at my last position, I was confident in my ability to keep myself focused without leaving the comfort of my own home. One hack I use to stay on track is time blocking. This practice of working through tasks at a designated pace helps keep me focused and efficient throughout the day. To learn more about time blocking techniques, click here:

Another change I made to help me focus was to create separate logins and profiles on my laptop. Google Chrome has an incredibly useful feature which allows me to create multiple profiles on the same login. This keeps all of my information and bookmarks separate and also improves focus time by removing distractions from my browser interface. For an even greater level of separation, try a work/personal desktop on your laptop. Making this change will separate work and play mode and help keep you on track. For help on making the changes within Chrome, check out this article.

After my first week of staring at a small laptop screen and sitting hunched on a cheap office chair that wasn’t up for the task, my back and eyes were pleading for some upgrades. So, I added a much larger external monitor to my desk and  paid out for a far more comfortable and supportive chair. While these may cost you a bit up front, it’s worth it as the benefits down the line far outweigh the initial price.

Early in my time with IOI, before I was completely onboarded, I took the chance to dig into learning new technologies and softwares. More importantly, I haven’t stopped. I continue to read articles and take courses on the latest trends to help elevate my game (Hubspot Academy is a great place to start). Also, save yourself some time by subscribing to industry-relevant newsletters that deliver all the goods straight to your inbox. 

Armed with these few simple tricks, the switch from a daily commute and conference rooms to my home desk and video calls has been a breeze. With these in mind, you will set yourself up for success in the new modern working environment.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about setting yourself up for success in a fully-remote position!

Case Study

How IOI’s Strategy Helped Produce a Slam Dunk for St. John’s Northwestern Academies At The 2023 NBA Draft

At the 2023 NBA Draft, IOI had a very special relationship with one of the newest members of the Golden State Warriors. Brandin Podziemski is a 2021 graduate of St. John’s Northwestern Academies, one of IOI’s newest clients. Brandin was selected as the overall 19th pick in the first round, and SJNA was not equipped to provide the level of coverage needed surrounding an event of this magnitude. 

Luckily, IOI already had a blueprint for success with SJNA thanks to our experience just a year prior at the 2022 NBA Draft when Keegan Murray, an alum of another IOI client DME Academy, got selected as the No. 4 overall pick.



St. John’s Northwestern wanted to increase brand awareness and drive media engagement all while bringing the attention and recognition a first round pick deserved. SJNA always wanted to reach the local community and national media by promoting the story through various news outlets. Finally, they wanted to leverage Brandin’s time at SJNA by building out long-form pieces that would drive traffic to their website and increase interest in the academies.



The draft was taking place June 22 and we knew we needed a strong clear strategy prior to June 1 in order to accomplish the goals set forth by SJNA.

Despite having been a recent graduate and successful alumnus, SJNA wasn’t connected with Brandin on social media. We began interacting with him and his NCAA program, Santa Clara University, to develop trust and foster the relationship.

We developed a social media content plan outlining the month of June leading up to the NBA Draft. We focused on highlighting Brandin’s impressive statistics, extensive awards, and all his recognitions by utilizing feed posts and stories to drive engagement through polls and open-ended questions.

In order to drive traffic to the SJNA website, we built out a landing page highlighting Brandin and his accomplishments. We also developed multiple long-form blog pieces, which we distributed to both national and local media outlets, in preparation for the draft 

Ahead of draft night, we organized local media and community members to attend a watch party hosted by SJNA. This provided a backdrop for quality coverage from local media and created excitement and buzz around the future of SJNA athletics.

As the draft began, we planned to provide live coverage through social media utilizing the countdown feature, polls, and open-ended questions. We also prepared to post a final long-form blog post added to the link to our social media posts, continuing to drive traffic to the SJNA website.



On draft night, we ramped up our social media with a series of posts and stories and also continued closely monitoring any related content. Once his name was called, we posted content congratulating Brandin and began interacting with his alma mater, Santa Clara University, Brandin himself, and the Golden State Warriors. 

Two local media television crews turned up to the NBA Draft watch party and shared footage of the night on their live broadcasts and social media accounts, which we reposted to the SJNA social media accounts. On the national level, Brandin gave us a boost when he  flashed the lining of his jacket to reveal a St. John’s Northwestern logo and commented on his appreciation of the school live on the ESPN broadcast.

Thanks to our newly developed social media relationship with Brandin, he is now following SJNA on social media and is liking, commenting, and sharing nearly all our posts to his page. With his now nearly 42k followers, this contributed to a huge boost in our numbers. 

In the month of June alone, we saw an increase of Facebook and Instagram reach at 256,432 (increase of 622% month-over-month) and 59,368 (increase of 566% MOM) accounts reached, respectively. We also gained 70 new Instagram followers and garnered 2,466 (increase of 36% MOM) profile visits with content about Brandin being 6 out of the 10 top performing posts for the month.

Overall, the 2023 NBA Draft was a success for not only Brandin and his family, but for St. John’s Northwestern Academies as well. We met and exceeded the goals we had set for the event and are confident we will continue to drive brand awareness, increase web traffic, and see a rise in social media engagement as Brandin undoubtedly shines for the Golden State Warriors. 

If you’re looking to elevate your business, let us help! Talk with our team today to get started!

Case Study

IOI Case Study: How We Used Simple Fixes to Boost Lead Generation

One of our clients, Navigo Sports Tours, recently faced a challenge. After launching a new branch of their business, they found it difficult to generate leads and new business from their landing page. 

The Problem:

The new branch, Pickleball Vacations, was barely converting any of the visitors to its landing page into leads. They had a relatively strong amount of traffic for a new page, but the time on site was low and the conversions to leads were non-existent.

The Plan:

Our team immediately began to dig into the page analytics. We identified some simple user experience fixes to improve the time on site, such as improved visibility of text in the hero and cleaner CTA buttons. However, the most significant missing element was an eye-catching deal to serve as a lead magnet. So with a very minimal amount of work, we installed a pop-up plugin that would show to the customer after a certain amount of engagement time and entice them to enter their information to receive a discount code for $100 off a Navigo Pickleball Tour.

With our plan and pop-up in place, it was time to monitor our analytics and see if the new strategy helped Navigo.

The Results:

Before our fixes, the landing page averaged about six leads per month and just nine seconds of engagement time. In the months following our changes, the pop-up code has generated 45 leads per month! The changes to the site also improved time on site by 20 seconds!

For Navigo, those leads have already translated into $24,000 worth of revenue from just a few simple changes to our site strategy!

Need a helping hand with your website? Let IOI Ventures give you a boost, connect with us today using the form below.