Growing Your Social Media to Market Your Business: SJNA Traffic Increase
October 16, 2023 | Adam Kaylor
Are you questioning how social media can benefit your company? Many businesses feel that social media is the least important or effective of the marketing methods, therefore it is usually given the least amount of attention.
This lack of direction usually leads most social media accounts to flounder, but with the right love and affection (such as the kind your business would get from IOI), social media can be a powerful driver in recruiting new customers and keeping past and current customers engaged and active.
Recently, IOI Ventures took over social media control for our client, St. John’s Northwestern Academies, an independent, private college prep school in Wisconsin. SJNA had a strong base of past alumni and parents that they had already tapped into, but they were not making significant strides in using social media to actually benefit their business by attracting new users to their page.
The Plan:
At IOI, we came up with the plan to strengthen SJNA’s accounts by focusing more on the content and ideas that would drive new prospective families to the campus. We needed to focus on capturing new potential customers to help boost business while still keeping our current parents and students informed and up to date on campus life and student events.
Sending More Users to the SJNA site:
Our first step was to capitalize on our audience and push them to our sjnacademies.org home page. Since taking over the SJNA socials in April, their website conversions from social media are up over 500 percent with Instagram and LinkedIn contributing over 1,000 percent increases. We did this by implementing more directed CTA’s in our posts and creating a link tree for Instagram which helped propel that 1,000 percent increase. With these new and simple fixes in place, their accounts began to grow and become a far more useful tool in recruitment.
Generating a more influential online presence:
The next step we took on for SJNA was to reach a new set of eyes. We began growing their account by using more targeted fixed hashtags, creating collab posts with local brands, following and interacting with more accounts in our genre, and using more directed content and CTA’s. In the first five months, these changes garnered over a 300 percent increase in total reach across our entire social network. SJNA’s Instagram account has seen the largest jump with nearly a 50 percent increase in just six months of IOI oversight.
Armed with these tactics and tricks and a legitimate planned social media strategy, you can grow your businesses social
To learn more about how IOI Ventures can help you take your social media game to the next level, click here: https://www.ioiventures.com/