The IOI Team Takes on the Northeast
March 8, 2023 | Emily Rodriguez
Although the IOI team is small, we are very mighty. Our time in Philly and Atlantic City solidified that we are continuing to move in the right direction and that there are only more clients to partner with, more challenges we can overcome together, and more goals to crush. If there’s one thing IOI loves, it’s an excuse to get together and celebrate.
We kicked off the New Year in the best way we knew how – a team trip.
Are we surprised that the trip started out with an FAA system-wide outage, affecting every team member’s flight? While most were able to hop on a later flight, a handful of us hopped in the car and made the six-hour drive to Philadelphia. Talk about being committed to the cause!
Some hours and multiple Philly cheesesteaks later, the whole team was on the ground and ready to rock and roll. IOI kicked off the week at the U.S. Soccer Coaches Convention in Philadelphia where we partnered with our Norwegian client, Spond, and States Soccer to host a happy hour for coaches and potential partners. It was a great opportunity to meet current and prospective clients for IOI and a chance to mingle with other entrepreneurs who share similar visions. Not only did we leave with some great new connections, but we also created lasting memories with our team.
The night wasn’t over yet – in fact, it was just beginning! Next up, a bus ride to Atlantic City to join our fellow Rhombus Services businesses – Pellucid Travel, Financial Wing LLC, BrandPoint Services, and Entrepreneurs United. Not only was this a special opportunity to spend time with our sister companies, but we were also able to celebrate with BrandPoint as they achieved an incredible milestone of $100 million in revenue as well as 20 years in business!
Throughout the week, IOI sat in on many of BrandPoint’s sessions highlighting their work divisions, the talented employees that comprise each of them, and the goals their business has set as they enter a new year. They even hosted a gala that celebrated individuals who have truly made a difference in their organization throughout the year. The opportunity to join internal conversations as they prepare for the future and celebrate all that has been accomplished was not lost on IOI.
These conversations sparked a fire as we moved into our smaller breakout session with the IOI team where we focused on individual goal-setting, key initiatives, annual goals, and core values. We identified areas where we as a team can seize the opportunity to be better and truly give our best to our clients. We also spent a lot of the time laughing, which seems to be a common theme when we are all in the same room.
Our time was bookended by guest speaker, Ted Ma. His words of wisdom focused on how to become the best version of yourself. He encouraged each of us to identify areas in our lives where we can step into our growth zones and welcome challenges that make us uncomfortable. Needless to say, we got a nice kick in the @ss.
If I had to sum up our time together I would say it was short but so sweet. If you were on the outside looking in, you would never know we are a completely remote team. Sitting in a room alongside people who share a common vision and goal fuels the passion inside of you.
Do you want to be part of the ride? Get in touch with our team and get ready to level up your business.